There are so many opinions. The challenge is sifting through the mindless prattle to find opinions that carry weight and offer value. Hopefully I always leave you with something to think about. Something that gets your mind going and your heart feeling.

Friday, May 28, 2010

"Flickering Flame"

A little candle
With a flickering flame
Shares her light
In a corner of darkness
For a brief moment….

A light of familiar joy
And future possibility
That must wait for a
Better time and place
And although the vision of light
Is gone from our eyes
It continues to burn brightly
In the depths of our heart
Anxious with the anticipation
Of the reunion with loved ones
Patiently waiting with a smile
And open arms….

(In Memoriam of Vanessa's child)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


The innocence of Nature once again is seen in furry little tufted balls with beaks, young goslings precariously perched upon stilted legs.

Their amber down glistens in the soft rays of the morning sun rising. Father and Mother Goose keep a watchful eye on the little goslings as they amble about foraging for their breakfast near the bank of a babbling brook.

Indelible Memory

A blaze of glory.

That’s the only adequate description of the sunrise this morning.

It was just after 6 am. The sun was peeking beneath the low lying cloud level, creating brilliant arrays of red, orange, and yellow that reflected off the billowy softness of the densely clouded sky.

And, as always, the piercing brilliance of the beauty of the moment quickly passes as the sun continued its relentless ascent into the morning sky, leaving but the indelible memory etched forever in the warmth of my soul.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Things I Have Learned

I have been pondering upon the things that my best friend has taught me over the time that we were able to share together. Allow me to need to reiterate them here:
1. Consciously feel the warmth of the sun on my face.
2. Observe the falling stars and search for the meaning of my noticing within my heart.
3. Honor messages from nature, as in the “Owl” at Little Mountain, and give proper thanks for their coming to deliver the message.
4. Be still and listen to the sounds of Nature.
5. Be aware of the environment around me and give gratitude for my being a part of the whole experience.
6. Consciously live in each moment, for it is the only moment we ever have.
7. Give love and affection freely, being also willing to receive it when given.
8. Offer genuine appreciation for gifts that are sincerely offered.
9. Always listen attentively and respond thoughtfully.
10. See all things with a child-like wonder.
11. See, Hear, Smell, Touch, Taste all with the curiosity and wonder of a new experience.
12. Take the time to savor and enjoy each and every meal partaken of.
13.Calm myself by breathing in slowly and purposefully. Take to heart the principles of “Hugging Until Relaxed”.
14. Consciously enjoy the presence of those you love.
15. Plan carefully and purposefully for the joys in life… but remember to be open to change.
16. Reverence life and death, because we are encompassed about with the truth of transition.
17. Offer sincere compliments with an honest heart.
18. Honesty is paramount in all situations.
19. Learn with a voracious appetite and an open mind.
20. Ponder and meditate on the messages given in thought, word, and deed.
21. Do not be afraid of knowledge given, regardless of the source.
22. Smile from the heart and smile often. It is a gift we have been given to share again with all those around us.
23. Honor the potential of all people.
24. Let the drawbridge of the heart down carefully to admit those willing to share their own soul honestly and vulnerably.
25. Thrill at the wonder and beauty of Nature. Enjoy the opportunity to share in the nesting of herons and hummingbirds, and honor the fallen red tail hawks.
26. Hold hands as you walk together. It is a connection of innocence and honesty.
27. Participate freely in the innocence of nudism… share the beauty of the human form with all who are willing to also innocently share the joy.
28. Bless the coming, the mutual footsteps on a path shared, and the going of all friends and loved ones in this life. And remember that in the going, it is always with an “Aloha”, not a good-by, because we shall meet again some time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Making Love

The world has become so involved in perfecting the mechanics… the techniques… of sexual intercourse that so few are able to see and realize the beauty of the experience.
Emphasis is placed upon the individual’s ability to achieve an exciting orgasm. So few realize that orgasm is only the tip of the iceberg of pleasure.
True pleasure is discovered and enjoyed in the pursuit of the journey of sensual communion and consummation with someone deeply loved and cared for.

Making love should be like the spontaneous choreography of a creative dance of children at play. There are no inhibitions to sharing and they reveal elements of curiosity, innocence, vulnerability, and joy.
Just having “sex” is nothing more than a mechanically calculated physical activity that produces a short, though intense, carnal reaction leaving no real sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, or love. It is nothing more than a momentary thrill of physical gratification. Having “sex” merely manipulates the heightened sensitivity of the human reproductive organs.

Making love involves the entire “body naked”.
True satisfaction is not in the achievement of sexual climax… but in the mutual sharing and giving of one’s body, heart, and mind to the overall experience of physical arousal and emotional joy with someone you care deeply for.

Sensual communion in its purest form is neither passive or aggressive and is openly yet introspectively considerate of the passions and desires tenderly hoped for and needful to share. It is an ongoing experience full of joy and discovery, free from the inhibitions of societal constraints. There are no expectations… only wondrous anticipation of mutual sharing.

The depth of satisfaction is not in the release of sexual tension… but in the pursuit of the innocent, vulnerable, and loving journey of curiosity and discovery as you share freely and openly the pleasures and euphoria absolute oneness offers with someone you cherish and love.

Remember: This is a journey… not a destination.

When you have shared such an experience and cried together afterward for the beauty of the innocence learned, then you know you are succeeding in “making love”.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


“Aging” has been on my mind quite a lot lately. Not so much the inevitability and inconvenience of it as the pure wonder and curiosity of it.

Physically we all grow older. But that does not mean we must grow old mentally. Our Spirit… our very life force… is ageless and eternal. It is the essence of who we are and what we become. It does not “age”, but grows in experience and wisdom if we desire and pursue that course.

Life and death are a natural result of choices and circumstances. It happens to us all. But he essence of who we are and allow ourselves to become is eternal. The essence of our “being” lives on beyond this sphere of mortality.

When you pass on from this earthly existence you are not assimilated into some ethereal collective of grand intelligence called “God”. You will still be you. You will still be yourself, able to think and reason, hope and love. Still completely recognizable as you. You will have a perfect memory of mortality and your life before mortality.

You will know what you must do next.

Death is not the end. It is merely a transition… a “rebirth”… into a new and exciting life!!