There are so many opinions. The challenge is sifting through the mindless prattle to find opinions that carry weight and offer value. Hopefully I always leave you with something to think about. Something that gets your mind going and your heart feeling.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Touch of Nature

My soul yearns for the scintillating touch of Nature. The pure innocence of its fresh scents. The vulnerability of its closeness. The honesty of its intimacy. The light and color, shape and shadow, all in constant movement and growth.

The symphony of all creation played by the woods and winds, waters and wings, movement by movement in concert with the mind of the Divine.

Just to think that I am a player… that I have a part… that I belong.

I am consumed in the joy of my “being”.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Heartmates and Soulmates

A soulmate is a friend with whom you find a natural affinity of togetherness. You act on similar impulses. You finish one another’s sentences. You are comfortable together with engaging conversation or communing silence. You are friends always… regardless if you see each other daily or only once in a great while. You always reconnect as if there had been no significant distance of time or space between you.

A heartmate is a soulmate with a deeper commitment of love. It is a friendship wherein you feel the very heart strings of your soul are tenderly knit together into one tapestry of honor and companionship. It is a friendship of vulnerable honesty and innocent intimacy. It is a friendship that transcends the limits of mortality. Your hearts beat as one, consciously aware of the Moment and living the intent of Namaste’.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is a Pen Friend?

A “pen friend” is someone who carries on conversation with you on an ongoing, perhaps even irregular basis.

A “pen friend” discusses all kinds of things. Things you both find interest in, for good in-depth learning and discovery. Things such as books, people, sciences, social sciences, history, biology, archeology, paleontology, community, war and peace, countries and kingdoms, fantasy, fiction, and real life.

A “pen friend” is someone to open up to. Someone to “talk” to. Someone to bounce ideas off of and learn from and “listen” to.

A “pen friend” is someone “on paper” who enjoys interaction, challenge, opportunity, engaging conversation, and personal growth.

A “pen friend” is just that. A medium in which to find… and develop… a new, and hopefully lasting, friendship.

Regardless of ink-on-paper or electronic emails, the results are the same: interaction… thoughts… ideas… growth… knowledge.

A new friend.

The Art of Exotic Dancing

That’s right.

At the highest level of awareness and conscious performance, the true professional will see themselves as not just the performer, but the artist, and the art, itself.

Exotic Dancing is the sensual display of the art of the human form. It is a manifestation of spontaneous creation and revelation of the beauty of the human form in sensuously innocent and fluid movement. It is a conscious and purposeful display of spontaneous expression for artistic and sensual enlightenment.

A dancer manipulates the nuances of light and shadow that traverse the theatre of the body through thoughtful motion and positioning of the landscape of the flesh. It is an art form in continuous transition of creative expression and display with the persistent rearrangement of light and the consequent infusion of shadow.

But the artist must introspectively ask themselves if they perform because of artistic devotion, or if they are just a “cheeky” monkey on display for the pay.

And consider this: for an elevated experience, the artist will find an absolute purity of innocence is discovered performing in the nude… the epitome of artistic enlightenment.

Do not apologize for your profession. You are an artisan at work. Most importantly… have fun with the spontaneity and enjoy being “in the moment” of creation!

Future Considerations

Saw Red Tail today. He is disappointed in what I have allowed myself to become in my own present moment. He reminded me of the honor of my Fathers and to stand boldly in their stead in defense of truth.

He promised that in time Raven would come home. I must let her go… for in the letting go, she will fly upon the winds of Choice and Freedom, and shall find her way back into the blood and life of our destinies. She will come home to my warm heart and open arms to reclaim the talons she left planted deep in my soul to remember her by.

For now, I must stand tall and defend the integrity of my ancestors. Snake and Toad and Wolf and Red Tail will support and guide me along the difficult trail of life. I am the Chief, the Shaman of my family. I am not alone.

I am at one with the God of our Fathers.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Everyone is so different.
It is nearly an expression of vanity to actually believe one could offer advice and consultation on life’s challenges that could be of value to everyone who should happen to read it.
There are too many personalities. Too many needs. Too many individuals.
But perhaps we may be able to touch a few. If only even a few could be lifted and spared some of life’s challenges and disappointments… wouldn’t it be worth the effort?
We may not save them all. But perhaps we can save a few.
Close your eyes. Listen to the beating of your own heart. Concentrate and listen as it becomes more clear and consistent. Do you hear the quiet echoes all around you? It isn’t the echo of your own heart. It is the rhythmic symphony of the varying and consistent beating of the hearts of your family… your friends… your neighbors… and the world. Listen to the crescendos and decrescendos of intensity that are tied to both happiness and sorrow. Listen to the heartbeats of mankind, now intermingled with all of Nature and Mother Earth. It is not deafening… it is the symphony of Life, powered by Love and syncopated with pain and disappointment.
Listen to the music of all creation and know you are a part… a player… a meaningful contributor. Open up your heart.
You are needed.
You are loved.
You are… unique.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Isn’t it amazing how no one is perfect?

At some point in our lives we are inevitably brought face to face with the fact that we have challenges… and sometimes those challenges swallow us whole.

We all are broken merchandise in some form or other. Some of us forget to do things. Some of us are obsessive about things. Sometimes we can not figure out why things are the way they are. And sometimes things get so out of control that we have an affair.

Then we are broken… but not beyond hope.

Things can be refound, recovered, repaired, or replaced. For a while and perhaps for a very long time, things can hurt… hurt like hell. And some things are never forgotten.

At some point we learn to live with the things we have found… and things we have lost. We learn to forgive and… accept. Accept that no one is perfect. We come to realize that “things” do not make us happy or sad. It is only our perception of things along the way, and how they relate to us and those we love.

“Love” is the only lasting balm… and cure… for “things”.