There are so many opinions. The challenge is sifting through the mindless prattle to find opinions that carry weight and offer value. Hopefully I always leave you with something to think about. Something that gets your mind going and your heart feeling.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Everyone is so different.
It is nearly an expression of vanity to actually believe one could offer advice and consultation on life’s challenges that could be of value to everyone who should happen to read it.
There are too many personalities. Too many needs. Too many individuals.
But perhaps we may be able to touch a few. If only even a few could be lifted and spared some of life’s challenges and disappointments… wouldn’t it be worth the effort?
We may not save them all. But perhaps we can save a few.
Close your eyes. Listen to the beating of your own heart. Concentrate and listen as it becomes more clear and consistent. Do you hear the quiet echoes all around you? It isn’t the echo of your own heart. It is the rhythmic symphony of the varying and consistent beating of the hearts of your family… your friends… your neighbors… and the world. Listen to the crescendos and decrescendos of intensity that are tied to both happiness and sorrow. Listen to the heartbeats of mankind, now intermingled with all of Nature and Mother Earth. It is not deafening… it is the symphony of Life, powered by Love and syncopated with pain and disappointment.
Listen to the music of all creation and know you are a part… a player… a meaningful contributor. Open up your heart.
You are needed.
You are loved.
You are… unique.

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